
Our strategy is built on core foundations of ethics, compliance, safety and security, and based around four strategic pillars: Climate Action, Our People, Responsible Sourcing and Our Impact. Each pillar is tied to ambitious targets that focus our efforts. Our 2022 and 2023 sustainability reports share all the work we have done under each pillar to help us drive a cleaner, more sustainable world. Both reports can be downloaded via the links below.

Download our 2023 report

Our 2023 Sustainability Progress Report is available to download in full here.

Download report


Learn more about the highlights from our 2023 Sustainability Progress Report.

Download our 2022 report

Our 2022 Sustainability Report is available to download in full here.

Download report

Sustainability video

Watch to learn more about the highlights from our 2022 Sustainability Report.

“The automotive industry plays an essential role in decarbonising the road transport sector and enabling the global transition to net zero through replacing vehicles that run on fossil fuels with battery-powered electric vehicles. Our role in GKN Automotive is to manage that transition and, in doing so, drive a cleaner, more sustainable world.”

Dr. Clare Wyatt
Chief Communications and Sustainability Officer