Compliance & Ethics

At GKN Automotive, exhibiting the highest standards of compliance and ethics is a fundamental part of our values and is central to how we operate as a business.  We call this doing the right thing.

Doing the right thing is not just something we like to talk about on our website or in corporate presentations. It is part of who we are as a company.  It is demonstrated in the behaviours of our people across the world every day.  This is reflected in our long history of exhibiting the highest ethical standards and a compliance record, which we are justifiably proud of.

Our Code

Our Code

How we do the right thing

To ensure that everyone working for GKN Automotive understands what is expected of them, we have adopted Our Code.

Our Code explains how our people do the right thing.  It sets out the standards and behaviours we expect of all our employees and workers, whatever their job and wherever they are located, without exception.  It is there to guide how our people behave, how they do their job and how they interact with other GKN Automotive employees and stakeholders.

Our Code explains how we:

  • Respect and protect each other and our business
  • Behave ethically and lawfully
  • Care for our communities and our world

Copies of Our Code

Speaking Up

Raising compliance & ethics concerns

Despite our efforts to maintain the highest standards of ethics and compliance, sometimes things do go wrong.  When they do, it is important that this is brought to our attention so we can deal with it properly and prevent it from happening again. 

We therefore encourage a culture of Speaking Up in which we ask all GKN Automotive employees, workers and business partners to report issues of concern.

Employees & workers

If you work for GKN Automotive and have a concern related to compliance or ethics, please visit our dedicated website (which is accessible from any location) at

Other business partners

If you are a customer, supplier or other business partner, we rely on you to tell us if we are not meeting our own high standards of ethical conduct.  If you become aware of any potential compliance or ethical concerns relating to GKN Automotive, our employees ore representatives, please inform us immediately.  You can do this by e-mail to  All reports will be handled sensitively and raising concerns in good faith will not negatively impact your relationship with GKN Automotive.
