Experience better – our OE expertise

As a leading partner of automotive manufacturers and a holder of numerous patents, we are the first to bring new driveline technologies to the aftermarket.
Moreover, when you are replacing driveline parts with components from GKN Automotive, you can rely on the fact that our products, which are manufactured with considerable expertise in our ultra-modern production facilities, correspond exactly to the specifications of the components that we supply to vehicle manufacturers. They fit perfectly and can be assembled quickly and easily. Today and in the future.
Experience better – with the right brands

Through our aftermarket service, we supply GKN Automotive branded components, as well as those from our well-known brands such as SPIDAN and LÖBRO, which all deliver quality, premium products, and reliability to you.
We will continue to grow as the outstanding supplier in the aftermarket sector, ensuring our best-in-class components always meet the highest standards, irrespective of whether they are destined for a manufacturer or an independent workshop.
Experience better – our delivery excellence

GKN Automotive is a leading producer of original equipment driveline components and works closely with many major vehicle manufacturers, which means we offer repair solutions for all main vehicle models. In addition, we have a state-of-the-art warehouse logistics system and products that are available fast and are listed in the order systems of vehicle manufacturers and the catalogues of all well-known distributors. This means we can help make your workshop more efficient and profitable.
Experience better – our service

It is not only our original equipment products that will make your job as simple as possible. Our service also meets the same high standards.
Experience better – with dedication and passion

At GKN Automotive, we have set ourselves the goal of employing the right people in the right roles and creating the right environment for your success. We are certain that outstanding results can only be achieved by highly motivated people working together in teams. Our culture of cooperation and inclusion creates the best possible opportunities for innovation and technological progress.
Experience better – the world market leader for driveline systems

For more than 70 years, we have consistently been the first company to bring key technologies into mass production and onto the aftermarket. We have become a global market leader for driveline systems, with one of the broadest, deepest and best product portfolios in the world, and we have played a pioneering role in the development of electric drivelines to actively drive the future of mobility.
Experience better – with sustainability

GKN Automotive’s corporate purpose is to drive a cleaner, more sustainable world, and we have a clear strategy in place to deliver it. In 2021, GKN Automotive created its sustainability strategy to provide a new framework to coordinate our existing sustainability activities.
Automotive Aftermarket Services
Our services

Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 50% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional a través del Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020 de Navarra

Desempeño Ambiental y Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo
GKN AYRA SERVICIO SA, es una empresa comprometida con el medio ambiente , la seguridad y salud de los trabajadores, que tiene implantado un sistema de gestión ambiental y de seguridad y salud de los trabajadores , basados en ISO 14001 e ISO 45001.
El sistema de Gestión es revisado y evaluado periódicamente , con el objeto de identificar acciones a tomar para minimizar el impacto negativo de nuestra actividad en el entorno que nos rodea.
La distribución , la recuperación , reacondicionamientos y montaje de transmisiones (DRIVESHAFTS Y PROPSHAFTS) para vehículos .
El diseño y producción de transmisiones (PROPSHAFTS) para vehículos turismos.
El diseño, producción y distribución de componentes de transmisión.
Política GKN AYRA SERVICIO SA, en materia de Seguridad, Salud y Medio Ambiente
Sustitución de caldera de agua caliente actual por otra de condensación en industria auxiliar del automóvil

Proyecto acogido a la línea de ayudas de ahorro y eficiencia energética en PYME y gran empresa del sector industrial, cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), coordinada por el IDAE y gestionada por las Autonomías, con cargo al Fondo Nacional de Eficiencia Energética, con el objetivo de conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible.
Industriako enpresa txiki, ertain eta handietan energia aurrezteko eta eranginkortasuna lortzeko laguntzaren ildoan kokatutako proiektua da. FEDER (Eskualde Garapena Europako Funtsak), IDAEk koordinatuta, Autonomiek kudeatuta eta Energia Eraginkortasunaeko Funts Nazionalaren kargura izanik, ekonomia garbiagoa eta iraunkorragoa lortzeko helburua dauka.
“Europa egiteko modua” Una manera de hacer Europa“
- Beneficiario/Onuraduna: GKN AYRA SERVICIO S.A.
- Inversión total/Inbertsio osoa: 143.807 €
- Importe de la ayuda/Diru laguntza kopurua: 30.903,60 €